
Näak is your on-course nutrition at UTMB World Series.

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Every purchase you make creates positive change.

They are writing the history of our sport.

Community, Sharing, Passion.

They inspire us. They will inspire you.

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The ultimate guide to reach your ultra endurance goals.

Fuel your mind with nutrition tips and more.

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As we face an unprecedented crisis, we know how difficult it is for our ultra-distance athletes to be deprived of their races. Näak team wants to contribute in it own way to support its community of ultra endurance athletesWe encourage everyone, from amateurs to professionals, tostay active during this period, while respecting the safety guidelines dictated by the Government of Quebec and Canada.

Previous challenges have been met with flying colours and we would like to launch a major challenge for the coming week, to remind you of the good sensations of a long-distance race.  Ready ? 💪


Here are the rules of the game to take part in the Näak challenges:

  • Join the Strava "Näak" Group
  • Follow Näak on the social networks Facebookand Instagramif you haven't already done so 😋
  • Complete a 50K run in your neighborhood over the week.IMPORTANT: Don't forget to put your outing in "public" so that everyone can have access to it and so that it is counted. Use the hashtags#NaakChallenge and#CricketPowered.

    Prizes to be won:

    All people who have completed a half-marathon during the weekend and have met all the above conditions will participate in a draw to win a box of Näak bars, to maintain a sustainable nutrition during this period!

    🎁 Bonus: All people who additionally tag @naak and use the hashtag #CricketPowered on a photo published on the social network, will get a second ticket for the draw!

    The important thing, of course, is to have fun and stay healthy. Take care of you team!


    If you need advice on how to maintain a sustainable and healthy diet, read Näak article here!  

    If for the next challenges you want to give your best, order Näak barsto help you perform better 🤗

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