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Cross training: Why you should do it!

Maintaining a regular rhythm and training your body to the effort is important. Cross-training is the practice of several disciplines in order to vary the pleasures of the sport. It allows you to work all the muscles of the body and become physically and mentally stronger!

If you would like to know more about the benefits of cross-training, keep reading this article!


1. Maintain fitness and Avoid injury


Cross-training keeps your body in shape and prevents injury. If you are a beginner runner, your body is not yet accustomed to the repetitive impacts of running. You can use many alternatives such as walking, elliptical machines or other tools to improve your endurance without putting stress on your joints and muscles. Once your body is ready, you can start running.

This also allows you to train on a more regular basis and better prepare for running. Using cross-training can improve your recovery between workouts, so you perform better in your key workouts, get a more powerful workout effect, and reach a higher level of fitness again on race day.

To help you during your workouts, we have created energy bars that will give you all the energy you need before, during and after your intense workouts.


2. Improve your cardiovascular fitness


To improve your cardiovascular condition, you can practice swimming or cycling. These sports allow you to maintain a good level of endurance and thus keep your organs in good health. You can do sessions between 45 minutes and 1 hour and practice high-intensity circuits, consisting of a repetition of short but intense efforts.

On a bicycle, for example, the impacts are largely mitigated because you are "just" pushing. Cycling is therefore an activity adapted for active recovery. While pedaling, the knee and hip joints are mobilized over much greater amplitudes than when running.

Cycling is also ideal for your long session. In addition to limiting microtrauma, cycling allows you to train at lower heart rates than running.

After an intense cross-training session, nothing better than a shaker made with Näak protein powder to help your muscles recover.


3. Avoid getting bored with running

As you may have understood, cross training is far from boring. On the contrary, it surprises your body with each workout and pushes it to surpass itself. Rather than practicing only one discipline, it's better to vary the pleasures and try new things. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, you're likely to lose your focus and your motivation and ambition will start to wane. So you can bike, swim, ski, or do other sports to mix up your routines. The advantage of cross-training is that it challenges you and allows you to become a more complete, high-performing and fulfilled athlete.

With this cross-training, you follow the path taken by triathletes. But you can push the challenge even further. By varying the activities, you reduce the risk of injury, you multiply the physiological benefits and you multiply the muscular adaptations tenfold!

So if, like us, you like intensive programs, challenges, or pushing your limits, cross-training is for you!

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