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Podcast Episode #7 | Nutrition for UTMB - Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc

For the UTMB, four professional athletes share their nutrition strategy during this legendary race. Arthur Joyeux-Bouillon, Thibaut Garrivier, Mathieu Blanchard and Marianne Hogan reveal how they will eat before and during their ultra marathon. This episode is full of useful information that you can apply during your ultra distance.

How to do carb loading, how to train your stomach for race day, how many calories to ingest per hour, how to manage caffeine intake? Our professional athletes answer all these questions.

We also talk about the special UTMB nutrition cell that the Näak Lab has created in collaboration with our athletes to co-develop new innovative products to help them perform better.

As usual, listen to the podcast on Apple PodcastsSpotify or Youtube.

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