
Näak is your on-course nutrition at UTMB World Series.

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Doing our part. For the planet & all its athletes. That’s our own little ultra-trail. Discover the why and how behind our B Corp certification!

By supporting Footprints and as a certified  BCorp brand, Näak is as committed to sustainability and community as it is to profit. We are proud to help advance climate and social justice goals through running.
Since its creation, Näak has moved forward with two sources of motivation: performance and a positive impact on the environment. In its desire to evolve in the most sustainable way possible, Näak gives a second life to its maple syrup by sourcing a very specific syrup.

Have you ever eaten potatoes? Tomatoes? Lobster or sushi? Without a doubt. But did you know that all these foods have been rejected by people for a long time before being routinely integrated into our diets? And insects follow the same path!

While there has been increasing awareness of sustainability in the recent years, the concept itself is hardly new. The movement towards a more sustainable lifestyle has been gaining recognition because it is becoming clear that it is something we all must do to preserve the quality of our lives and of all the lives on Earth.

No doubt, your lifestyle has a direct impact on more than just your body, athletic ability and performance. All of the small decisions you make also have a lasting impact on our planet. In this article, we address lifestyle decisions that have a great impact on the environment that are often overlooked. Don’t worry, we also cover simple steps you can practice to become a more sustainable runner! We cover areas of textile waste, dietary lifestyle, food waste and all the steps you can take to decrease your carbon foot print on our planet.

You have probably heard someone mention the Keto Diet. The keto diet is a low carbohydrate, moderate protein and high fat diet. If you want to know more about the keto diet, how your body adapts to the keto diet, it's impact on athletic performance and whether cricket protein complies with the keto diet, read on! This article compares the macronutrient distribution on and off the keto diet and dives into detail how your body adapts when you adopt the keto diet. We cover how your body responds to the keto diet through gluconeogenesis and ketosis, whether keto diet aids weight loss and impacts performance for endurance athletes. We dive into whether or not cricket protein complies with the keto diet and ways you can incorporate cricket protein into your keto meals.

This article covers what is a flexitarian diet and how it compares to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. We address the pro nutritional information about being flexitarian and how it can help your endurance training. Vincent Nadon, one of our Näak ambassadors, also gives his testimony on being flexitarian and how it has impacted his lifestyle. We also provide several food for runners and endurance athletes ideas that goes hand-in-hand with the flexitarian diet.

As Canadians, we have the pleasure of enjoying some of the most breathtaking mountains and forests right at our back door. These epic landscapes are home to a broad and diverse selection of plant and animal species, and it's our job to protect them in everything we do. At Näak, our sustainability initiatives have led us to a partnership with the BC Parks Foundation. Working directly with their Parks Bank of British Columbia division, we raise money towards protecting and preserving our beautiful Canadian Parks.

Edible insects, like crickets, are a great source of nutrients. One of them is Chitin. Chitin is a prebiotic fiber that is beneficial for your body and athletic performance. For example, Chitin helps with gastrointestinal (GI) emptying and can decrease inflammation. As a prebiotic, Chitin fuels your microbiota, promoting a healthier digestive and immune system. The more diverse your gut is, the better! Lastly, chitin also controls nutrient absorption, especially lipids. Notably, if you have a shellfish allergy, you may also be allergic to crickets. Try to consume chitin from ground crickets in small or big ways by trying Näak's ULTRA Energy Bars, Recovery Protein Powder or Cricket powder!

If, like us, you are concerned about your health and that of the planet, a sustainable diet is essential. Eating vegetable or cricket protein instead of animal protein is one of the habits we would like to pass on to you, so keep reading this article if you want to take care of your body as much as you do of your planet!

Even during your running, cycling or outdoor adventures, you can reduce your carbon footprint.Here are 5 reflexes to adopt to simply preserve your playground!

At Näak, environmental protection is one of our main tasks. We want to offer you the most sustainable and responsible nutrition available. And to achieve this goal, we have committed ourselves to a crucial part of our strategy: packaging. We have decided to switch to recyclable and/or compostable packaging for all our products by 2025!

New to cricket protein? You've come to the right place! While you might be skeptical at first to try insect-based protein, it is actually a healthy and sustainable alternative source of protein for athletes. While the consumption of insects might be new to you, it is already a big part of the diet in other countries. In this article, we dive into why you should stop refusing and start considering adding some tasty crickets in your meals! Keep reading to discover 5 good reasons to include cricket protein in your diet!

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